
How to Transform Your Double Garage into a Functional Space

Transforming your double garage into a functional room can be a great way to increase the value of your home and add extra living space. Whether you choose to create a home office, a children's playroom, a guest bedroom or an entertainment area, there are a few steps you'll need to take to ensure a successful transformation. how to transform double garage

Plan & Design

Planning and designing your new room is an important first step. Take into consideration the climate, insulation, ventilation, lighting, and flooring to ensure the room is comfortable and functional. If you're not confident in your own skills, consider hiring a professional designer. garage conversion design

Prepare the Space

Preparing your garage for conversion typically involves repairing any damage to the walls and ceiling, cleaning, and painting the walls. You might also want to consider insulating the walls and ceiling to help keep the new room at a comfortable temperature. garage conversion insulation

Add Flooring & Decor

When it comes to flooring, your options depend on the room you're creating. If you're creating a bedroom, you may want to install a soft carpet. If you're creating an office, you may want to install hardwood flooring or laminate flooring. Once your flooring is in place, you can begin decorating. garage conversion decor

Install New Windows & Doors

Installing new windows and doors can help to improve the look and feel of your new functional space. You may also want to install a new garage door to the exterior of your home. garage conversion windows and doors

Furnish Your Room

Finally, you'll want to furnish your room according to the purpose you've chosen. If it's a home office, you may want to install a desk and computer. If it's a children's playroom, you may want to install a few toys and a play table. If it's a guest bedroom, you may want to install a bed, dresser, and nightstand. garage conversion furniture Transforming your double garage into a functional room can be a great way to increase your home's value and create extra living space. With proper planning, preparation, and design, you can create a comfortable and functional space that you'll enjoy for years to come.

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