
How to Convert Your Double Garage into Extra Living Space

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How to Convert Your Double Garage into Extra Living Space

Converting your double garage into an extra living space can be a great way to expand the size of your home. Before you start the conversion process, it is important to consider what you want the space to be used for and to make sure that the conversion is feasible. With a little planning and creativity, you can easily turn your double garage into a guest bedroom, a home office, an entertaining area or whatever else you need.

Step 1: Create a Floor Plan

convert-your-double-garage-into-extra-living-space The first step when converting your double garage into an extra living space is to create a floor plan. This will help you to visualize how the space will look and how you can best use it. Consider the dimensions of the garage and how the furniture, appliances and other items will fit into the space. Make sure to also consider the amount of natural light that will be available and the ventilation options.

Step 2: Make Necessary Renovations

renovations-needed-to-convert-double-garage Once you have a plan in place, you can begin making the necessary renovations. Depending on the amount of work needed, you may want to hire a professional to help you with the project. Some of the renovations that may need to be done include: replacing the windows, adding insulation, installing flooring and walls, and updating the electrical and plumbing.

Step 3: Choose the Right Furniture and Decorations

choosing-furniture-to-convert-double-garage Once the renovations are complete, it is time to choose the right furniture and decorations for the space. You want to make sure that the furniture you choose is comfortable and fits the room. Consider adding comfortable seating, a desk, a television and other items that will make the space functional and inviting. You may also want to add some decorative touches such as art, plants, rugs and curtains.

Step 4: Final Touches

adding-final-touches-to-convert-double-garage Once the furniture and decorations are in place, all that's left to do is add the final touches. This includes adding lighting, installing window treatments, setting up a sound system and adding any other accessories that will make the space feel more like a living area.

Step 5: Enjoy Your New Living Space

enjoy-your-new-living-space-from-converting-double-garage Once you have finished all of the steps, it is time to enjoy your new living space. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can easily convert your double garage into an extra living space that is both comfortable and functional. Converting your double garage into an extra living space can be a great way to expand the size of your home. Before you start the conversion process, it is important to consider what you want the space to be used for and to make sure that the conversion is feasible. With a little planning and creativity, you can easily turn your double garage into a guest bedroom, a home office, an entertaining area or whatever else you need.

Create a Floor Plan


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